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The Union for Contemporary Art

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Veggie Trails


Temporary installation


Design assist

Specialty contracting


Amalia Van Bloom

Maura Trumble

Matt Armentrout

Kyle Miller

Bob Kanne

Brady Hess

This structure represents the culmination of months of work on behalf of a group of creative-minded volunteers for a one-day community event.

Paired with a local chef, we were tasked with designing a station for this unique food experience that was conceived as a way to spark conversation around the local food movement and alternative means of transportation. Our group decided there was no better way to do that than to plant over vegetables in custom burlap sacks and distribute them amongst more than 300 Omahans. We then asked them to do two things: care for their plant leading up to the event and bring them back on the day of via walking, biking, or bus. The station was composed of a simple steel structure, CNC-machined plywood panels with a map of Omaha with holes at the addresses where the plants were taken care of, and metal wire at varying heights to hang the plants from.

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The Union for Contemporary Art