Design Assist
Polynomial aids the design process with a heightened understanding of the best means and methods to achieve custom portions of projects. In order to make these project components feasible, design is often steered toward digital fabrication to reduce labor costs to the extent possible. Project team members attain a higher level of profitability while avoiding problems commonly associated.
Specialty Contracting
Where the rubber meets the road or the point in time where we work with any combination of materials through multiple fabrication techniques from the most highly accurate digital methods to fine hand craft. Our process is not focused on or limited by our own capabilities but brings our broad network of vendors spanning the Midwest and beyond to bear. When combined, we provide the most comprehensive, top quality solution for our clients.
Product Design
Atypical in the construction field, our team’s process yields components and detailing refined to a level often found in product design.
A core component of all other services, this step in the process allows the project team to verify proof of concept, remove unknowns, and enable innovative design solutions to occur.